Are you overwhelmed by news misfortunes? Here is what …


These ideas work in some situations, but in emergency situations, ideals and popular beliefs may have an effect contrary to your expectations. For example, you can meditate as much as you feel overwhelmed by the pain of the world. And suffering paralyzes the action. You have the desire to do something, but do not go to the action. You seek inner peace, but none of the usual tools work

You can not use spiritual tools to feel "good" when the surrounding reality contradicts you. A better way to look at spiritual practices is that you can (19659003) Here are four things to keep in mind when you feel pain and tools to help you overcome this:

] You Can not help everyone

You must understand that you can not help everyone, and this is not a failure, that is the physical reality, you must use your personal and spiritual development to know What are your areas (19659002) Plan of Action:

Use the techniques of breathing, meditation, prayer, any person, to calm your mind. clothes that require your attention and action. Look at them a little. Note the intensity of your response. Those who provide the most powerful answer give you clues.

Index tracking helps you prioritize the two, three most important questions. This way you will know what you need to do.

2. Take things step by step

The level of pain and suffering in the world has reached epic proportions. And for many cultures and communities, this suffering lasts a long time. If you do not know how to react to this negative news, you may feel overwhelmed. These are big, complex problems. So where can you start

Plan of Action:

One of the benefits of spiritual practices is that they help you regain your inner peace. And this peace of mind allows you to ask questions and listen to the answers. During meditation, focus on urgent issues. Ask yourself: What should I do about it? Then, What is the best solution for the problem?

Remember that your action is always the solution to the feeling of crushing. When you have clear minds as a result of meditation, you will more easily discover what steps you need to take to reach your goal.

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