Armistice between Israel and Palestine in the Gaza Strip


After a fierce battle in which Israel launched dozens of air strikes in Gaza, killing two teenage boys and Palestinian militants fired more than 100 rockets across the border, injuring three people in a southern city of Gaza. # 39; Israel. 19659002] The Ceasefire Agreement, the second of two parties to be negotiated by Egypt this year. "Everyone understands that if the situation is not defused, we will soon return to another confrontation," US envoy Nickolay Mladenov told his Gaza office

. The weekly clashes at the border between Israel and Gaza have high Monday. More than 130 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces during border demonstrations held every week in March, including a teenager on Friday, Gaza doctors said. There were no Israeli deaths Conflicts between the Israeli army and Islamist groups in the Gaza Strip intensified on Saturday. At least two Palestinians were killed and others injured following Israeli army raids in the Gaza Strip

This is the largest Israeli military operation in the Gaza Strip since the war of 2014, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

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