ARTmania Festival and East European Music Conference at the end


ARTmania, the first Romanian festival that developed the concept of a junction between entertainment and art in Romania, took place on 27 and 28 July in the Sibiu Grand Place, in front of an enthusiastic audience of outstanding performances by artists who climbed on stage

Haken, The Roots of the Arcana, Zeal & Ardor, Distorted Harmony, Leprous, Rome, Mogwai and Steven Wilson were the ones who enjoyed rock music lovers for two nights through their artistic creations and encounters parallel. " If you have friends, give them a rock music album, it's the best thing you can do for them ," said Zeal & Ardor on stage revelations of this edition of the festival

The poster leaders of the event, Mogwai and Steven Wilson, were received in Sibiu with great warmth and joy. " I can not believe that I had 30 years to go to Romania, but I'm here and I'm very happy to play Sibiu ," Steven Wilson, whose concert had at the times songs from the new album, "To The Bone", as well as hits that he dedicated to the group whose founder was Milute Flueras's Porcupine Tree [19659007] The Eastern European Music Conference was also completed yesterday, a conference on the music industry which brought together in Romania representatives of major European events, agents of reservation and promoters or cultural managers with artists, agents and managers. " This is the first conference that I attend and I want to answer some questions and concerns regarding the management of a group ," said the director of Gramofone – current group and the launch of the first office Export of Romanian music, export of Romanian music

" There were some very busy days, the day we had information, and in the evening we were rested on the Great Square, listening to the artists who came to the ARTmania Festival.It was a great pleasure to see the audience enjoy the line-up and representatives of the Romanian music industry enjoying the presence of these European specialists It was a magic number 13 for ARTmania, we thank all those who chose to spend their weekend in Sibiu "said Codruţa Vulcu, ARTmania Festival and organizer of the Music Conference. Europe d e East

About ARTmania

ARTmania Festival is a platform dedicated to the promotion of all forms of artistic expression inspired by rock culture, has become the main regional promoter of contemporary music projects. ARTmania is not just concerts of big international and local bands. Music is a basic component from which it all started, but it's only part of the experience that the festival wanted to offer to art lovers from Romania and from abroad

As Romania's most sustainable rock festival and one of the oldest traditions of the regional cultural scene, ARTmania has shaped its own identity through a bold concept and ambience particular: the Grand Market of one of the most beautiful medieval fortresses in Eastern Europe – the city of Sibiu

Parallel to the ARTmania Festival, the Conference of Music of Europe of the East (July 26-28, 2018), the most important conference dedicated to the music industry in Romania, takes place in Sibiu. After a first edition in which more than 400 people – participants and guests – from the Romanian and European cultural environment exchanged ideas and shared conclusions, the second edition continues the innovation on the Romanian event events market with another avant-garde program: Export of English music. Thus, the first Romanian program in the entrepreneurial field, which assumes the area of ​​promotion and export of European music, will be ready to start with the second EEMC edition and will be available to participants and guests at the conference [19659003] ARTmania Festival is a founding member of AROC – the Romanian Association of Concert Organizers and Cultural Events, whose founding members are the most important promoters in Romania, such as Emagic, Events, Electric Castle, Summer Well or Twin Arts, et al.

Sponsors: Kaufland Romania, Beck & s #

Partners: Sibiu Town Hall, AROC, Fepra, Stands, ETEP, YOUROPE, Astra Museum, Brukenthal National Museum, Lufthansa, Marquardt, Shopping City Sibiu. Media: RockFM, Days and Nights, App City of Sibiu, Sounds, Agerpres, Newspaper Metropolis, Tribuna, Council Tour, Radio Romania Cultural, e-Zine, letrock, Information Harghita, Sibiu 100%, Feeder

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