As DNA explains at the Ancai Jurma meeting, the Acting Chief DNA Attorney, Ambassador Klemm and the FBI Attaché


The DNA indicates that the meeting of Acting Attorney General, Anca Jurma, with the US Ambassador and an FBI representative took place at the initiative of the Embassy and that SCFJ 's cooperation with the FBI took place within the legal limits of a Mutual Legal Assistance Protocol

  As the DNA explains Ancai Jurma, Chief Prosecutor of the FBI. DNA, Ambassador Klemm and the FBI Attaché

As DNA explains Ancai Jurma, the Acting Chief Attorney for DNA, Ambassador Klemm and the & # 39; FBI attached

"In reference to the fact that in the public space, over several days, a series of misinformation was presented regarding the meeting of the Attorney General of DNA, Ms. Anca Jurma, 17.07.2018, with Ambassador Hans Klemm and FBI attaché David Varner, from the Office of Information and Public Affairs, make remarks on ivantes: The meeting was held at the beginning of the US Embassy at the headquarters of the DNA to present David Varner, the new FBI attaché in Bucharest (after the end of the term of his predecessor), attached to his embassy . The cooperation of the DNA with similar institutions in other states and diplomatic missions is part of the skills prescribed by law and by the Internal Regulations of the DNA in the fulfillment of the attributions of the Directorate for International Mutual Legal Assistance ", ADN

The representatives of the AND also stated that, regarding the cooperation of the prosecutor's office near the High Court of cassation and justice with the FBI, it is "expressly mentioned in the protocol signed on September 10, 2007 on the treaty between Romania and the United States America on the legal assistance in criminal matters, ratified by Romania by the law no. Ambassador Hans Klemm and FBI Attaché David Varner met last week with Chief Prosecutor of DNA Anca Jurma. According to the representatives of the Embassy, ​​the meeting was held at the headquarters of the DNA where both assured Jurma of the "continuous support" of the Embassy.

Ambassador Hans Klemm and Ms. Anca Jurma also discussed ways to strengthen the United States and Romania police co-operation the Embassy said to the [90 9 9 [[[] time.

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