Austrian Chancellor, amid praise and criticism Europe | DW


At the European Parliament in Strasbourg, of course, there were discussions on political issues, including Austria's reaction to the agreement of the CDU and the CSU the night before [19659002]. we must react, "said Chancellor Sebastian Kurz succinctly. He is waiting for "a clear line of government in Berlin".

In the morning, Austria has already announced its own border closure measures in response to any German measures. Kurz will announce more on this subject in Vienna, where he can speak at the head of the national government

Finally, he came to the European Parliament to formally present the topics of the Austrian presidency of the European Union. The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, asked the Legal Service to audit the German measures, but "at first sight", the European official considers that the Berlin agreement is in accordance with the legislation European Union [19659002] "A Protecting Europe"

  Migrants on the Austro-Hungarian Border

Migrants on the Austro-Hungarian Border

Let us return to the program of Kurz's European presidency. In his speech, the youngest head of government of the EU stressed that "Austria has always been pro-European".

It's not anything in the context that his partner in the FPÖ coalition is seeking a

Some important words about the European project, the rule of law and democracy are part of any discourse However, the actions they have undertaken are important takes a country within six months at the helm of the European ship and Kurz often speaks of "building bridges". It remains to be seen whether his intentions are confirmed

At the heart of the migration crisis

The Chancellor's motto "A Europe that protects" aims to prevent illegal migration. It is a "protection of the population", a paradigm shift in refugee policy

It can be said that the recent summit has brought about a significant change in the approach of migration

L & # 39; Agreement on the "transit centers"

In addition, Sebastian Kurz stresses the best protection of the external borders, wishing to keep the borders open to the interior

And once again, he calls for greater cooperation with African countries, something that the EU has been trying to do since the African summit in Malta three years ago, with no remarkable success so far.

In addition, Austria wants to tackle the major problems of digitization and automation, strengthen competitiveness and strive to stabilize the immediate vicinity.

Austria expressly welcomes the opening of accession negotiations with Albania and Macedonia and the swift integration of all Western Balkan countries into the EU. EU

There is a strong contrast with that of the French president who does not seem interested in a rapid expansion. At the latest in this chapter, the desire to create bridges is rather complicated

The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, recalled that the European border management plans were introduced many years ago in Brussels. were rejected "by some German-speaking countries."

In fact, such proposals were stalled for a long time because Germany feared a loss of national sovereignty.

In addition, Mr Juncker reminded Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz that more must be said than migration.

For example, the compromises for the next EU budget, which should be adopted in 2019.

"There can only be one Viennese shrimp on the dish" A joke with a culinary tip, but sufficiently flagrant

The leader of the liberals in the European Parliament, Guy Verhofstadt, did not have the good humor to joke. "There is no migration crisis, it is a political crisis on the backs of migrants," he said, referring to the "dramatic decline" in the number of refugees seeking asylum. asylum in the EU. "Look at the numbers before shaking

  UNHCR Flüchtlinge Grenze Ungarn Kroatien

The so-called crisis returns to the center

" All act nationally "

  thread According to the liberal, the Italian minister of Interior, Matteo Salvini, unilaterally decided to close the ports for boats </p>
<p> Salvini wanted to push refugees to neighboring countries in Hungary, Germany, Austria, and then the same. </p>
<p> All world only acts at the national level and the only consensus is: "There should be no refugees in my backyard." This is the real scandal, said Verhofstadt, and the Berlin government can also feel it touched by his words </p>
<p> Philippe Lambertz, vice president of the Greens group in the European Parliament, also believes that, migration, EU policy will be unilateral in the next six months. </p>
<p> citizens want really protect yourself, but what about?, asked the ecologist. According to him, protection against terrorist attacks, job losses, poverty and social decline are more serious threats </p>
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