Bachelor's degree 2018: The son of a minister has abandoned the maturity exam!


At the 2018 baccalaureate exam, out of about 137,000 registered candidates, one-third of them failed to get passing grades, according to Digi24. Among those who have not passed the exam of maturity, the son of the Minister of Relations with Parliament was also included. It seems that the math test was a real headache for the youth who spent the previous week through the "lights" of the BAC. Lieutenant Eduard Eduard, the son of Minister Viorel Ilie, was a student at Ferdinand I National College in Bacau, specializing in mathematics and computer science. Despite the profile chosen, he obtained a level 3.1 mathematical test. In the other two tests, the Romanian language and computer science, Eduard received grades 7.3 and 4.2 respectively. Thus, the average of the three subjects was 4.80, unable to promote the baccalaureate exam.

The Minister of Education's daughter took the BAC with a high grade

There were also cases of happiness where students were able to get the maximum score or a close mark. For example, the daughter of Valentin Popa, the Minister of Education, can boast of the average of 9.26. Teodora Popa graduated from the National College "Ştefan cel Mare" and got 8.85 in Romanian, 9.55 in mathematics and 9.40 in chemistry exam.

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