Barack Obama speaks in South Africa: "Political leaders are no longer ashamed"



  Barack Obama
<! – Barack Obama ->

Barack Obama said Tuesday in a speech in Johannesburg that the world should resist the cynicism caused by the emergence of powerful people in an apparent reference to populist leaders who hold power in a number of countries. ] The former Democratic president has not named his Republican successor, Donald Trump, but his speech has been one of the most critical of his policies since his tenure in January 2017.

"All as people have been talking about the triumph of democracy in the 1990s, now they are talking about the triumph of tribalism and the powerful man, but we must resist this cynicism, "said Obama in a speech delivered at On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Nelson Mandela. according to Agerpres

Part of the Obama language seemed to be an echo of Donald Trump's criticism

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Barack and Michelle Obama will produce series, movies, and documentaries for Netflix [19659008] "Too much politics seems today to reject the concept of objective truth.People are simply inventing things.We see this in the increase of state sponsored propaganda, we see it in the inventions promoted on the internet, in the blurred borders between information and entertainment, "he added.

"We see a total loss of shame among political leaders"

Obama asserted that there are far right parties in the West that have sheltered protectionist and closed borders, as well as "Nationalist racialist nationalism". [19659005] After leaving the White House, Obama has generally avoided being directly involved in American politics and refraining from criticizing Trump. Some Democrats say he should play a more direct role

The former president of the United States also said that "the international order is not keeping its promise". "This is partly due to the failure of governments and elites," he added, adding that "we are now returning to a more dangerous way of doing things."

Monday, Trump was given by Russian President Vladimir Putin on the alleged Russian meddling in the US presidential election in 2016, causing doubts about the conclusions of his own In his speech to a thousand politicians, men from business and students, Obama praised Mandela's sacrificial life and his commitment to

Nelson Mandela, an anti-apartheid giant who was president of the 39, South Africa between 1994 and 1999, died in 2013 at the age of 95 years.

Obama, who also visited Kenya This week, he also greeted the current South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa, saying that he gave them a "new hope" to South Africans .



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