Basarab Panduru landed with the FCSB: "Let's be fair, what is it?"


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 Basarab Panduru landed with the FCSB:

Basarab Panduru criticized the FCSB after Giurgiu's failure, scoring 1-0 at Astrei, saying it was taken over by the 4- system 3-3 from the minute. 3. Coach Nicolae Dica tested this system during the training period and decided to abandon the old 4-2-3-1, which led to Gigi Becali

– 3 minutes out of 3. It's the worst game I've ever seen with the FCSB in the last five years, it's just the first game, not the 10th round, so let's do things correctly, I was surprised by what Man said. You can come play FCSB and say that you fell after the first goal. What is it? I did not expect him to say something like this. Basarab Panduru told Telekom Sport

Nicolae Dică started Giurgiu's match with Dragos Nedelcu in front of the defense, Teixeira and Ovidiu Popescu in the middle and the offensive triad was completed by Dennis Man, Florin Tanase and Florinel Coman . Junior Morais was more offensive in the first half compared to the Coman and Man groups, so Dica moved to the break. Moruţan replaced Coman, and Qaka changed Nedelcu. The two men entered Becali's mouth again after Astra's failure. Qaka evolved in front of the defense, and Moruţan was put in the middle with Ovidiu Popescu. Teixeira stepped in, but these changes did not bring anything back to the FCSB game. Olimpiu Moruţan had some glimpses, but his "floricelele" did not make the difference.

Astra was forced to the limit in front of the runner-up, scoring 1-0, thanks to the goal scored by Azdren Lullaku in the 43rd minute. two seasons scored with a shot close to a Romario Moise center. The midfielder performed an ideal corner and Junior Morais lost the Astrei Albanian on the way

The hosts missed some important opportunities from Laurenţiu Buş and Balaure, who scored 2-0. Olimpiu Moruţan brought a plus to the chapter of the performance, but too little to make the difference. Tănase was able to equalize in the 87th minute when he took the lead in the center but Iliev rejected and kept the table intact

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