Beware of false news! "Mr. Bean is dead, "the news that went around the Internet


"Mr. Bean is dead! "The news is circulating on social networks." The news came back online Thursday, July 19 and spread very quickly on the Internet with a virus that is activated when the article is opened by users of social networks The message is about the death of actor Rowan Atkinson, known for his famous character: Mr.Bean


Rowan Atkinson became known for Mr. Bean's character

Tabloid Journalists British Mirror warns, however, that the news is false and that this could be an information virus in the middle.This is not the first time that Rowan Atkinson is the protagonist of this false news. the past, it was also written about the actor that he would be dead, which is often the target of hackers.Last year it was written that the actor was dead in a car accident in Los Angeles. " RECENT NEWS! Mr. Bean (Rowan Atkinson) died 62 years ago in a car accident, "told the story that shocked the actor's fans a year ago.The actor Rowan Atkinson became famous for playing Mr. Bean, but he has also played in films such as Johnny English or Maigret and has two children

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