Blaga: We want a strong NLP, but there is a lot to repair


"We wanted to have an agenda without agenda, between colleagues, between old friends, because we participated in many battles and the majority of those who are not on vacation came to this meeting. all interested in his progress, we are interested in everything he will do in the 2019 election year, first win the presidential election, surely, the European Parliament elections will count , but first the presidential election, because you see how PSD is still a state party today, what would it do if the presidencies had it? We 've got it! obligation to support the president to get the second term, and all our colleagues agreed on these things., there is a lot to correct, colleagues will send them to the formal party forums, the Executive Bureau, the National Permanent Bureau , for that they can because, as in any family, things can be improved and I am sure that they will be improved, "Blaga told PNL headquarters after meeting with former liberal-democrats, Agerpres reported. ]

Blaga pointed out that "things would have a lot to gain" if there was an improvement in communication within the formation

At this meeting, the president of the liberals, Ludovic Orban, n & rsquo; Was not invited

"It was a meeting where we discussed with the NLP members of the old PDL. (…) Not strange at all, everyone meets with whoever they want at any time.If he had entered, I would not have a problem with me or my colleagues. (…) I had nothing to hide, if we had any hiding, I did not come to the party headquarters, "Blaga pointed out.

He added that he needed no function in the party. I no longer want to be president of the NLP, anything that I can help, as I have done so far, has helped me. We took a step back a year and a half ago because that was what I thought was right that a politician should do. (…) I do not need any function. (…) I do not need any function to have the role that my colleagues want. Since my colleagues, if I have prayed, have come in such numbers, it means that I do not need party functions to give advice, "said Blaga, asking if this meeting is a return

He is also asked if he will agree to run for the European Parliament

. "For the moment, the colleagues will have to define the criteria to be respected, then we will see what are the best options.I have not yet expressed such a wish."

Emil Boc, Gheorghe Flutur, Anca Boagiu, Roberta Anastase, Alexandru Pereş were among the former liberal Democrats who participated in the talks with Blaga

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