Bottled with Noviciok in the house of one of the victims in Amesbury


"On July 11, a bottle was found during a search at Charlie Rowley's home in Amesbury.Scientists have now confirmed that the substance in the bottle is Noviciok," police said in a statement. a statement quoted by Agerpres.

Doctors have recently provided details on human health, the British Charlie Rowley, contaminated with the Noviciok nerve agent, hospitalized at Salisbury County Hospital, a city located in southwestern England.

Charlie Rowley (45 years old) was contaminated by Dawn Sturgess (44), who died Sunday, July 8, with the same nerve agent used in the attack on the former Russian spy Serghei Skripal and his girl, Iulia, in March, in Salisbury, town located 13 kilometers from Amesbury

The two British were found Saturday, unconscious and mouth-to-mouth moss, near Amesbury, Wiltshire.

London has accused Russia of this case, but Moscow has consistently denied any possible involvement

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