Bucharest: 600 people protested for Roma rights


According to Agerpres, Roma rights activists, as well as representatives of human rights organizations in general, attended the demonstration. The column of protesters ran along Dacia Boulevard – Henri Coanda Street – Lascar Catargiu Boulevard – Victoria Square – Aviatorilor Boulevard, with participants carrying the international flag of the Roma.

Protesters carried banners with the messages: "Racism, a superficial European disease", "Anti-racist solidarity", "Europe, stop racism in your states" "In the centenary, racism is barbarian. "

Ciprian Necula, co-organizer of the demonstration, read a manifesto with other initiators, expressing his disapproval of" Roma violence in Italy, Ukraine ". Necula said that in our country, according to polls, Roma are the most vulnerable ethnic minority in the face of racism and discrimination, adding that this is due to the "lack of coherent programs to combat" these attitudes

. no forced evictions of the Roma took place without the authorities offering an alternative to housing. Such events took place in Cluj, Eforie Sud, Lugoj, Timişoara, Dej, Constanţa, Mangalia, Iaşi, Focsani and many others. "

In the manifesto, six racist attacks took place." Ukraine in two months

"In Ukraine, far-right paramilitary groups" Sober and Angry Youth "violently killed two Roma destroyed Roma homes, burned down children's gardens and churches frequented by Roma. On 9 May, an extremist group set fire to a Roma camp in the Lviv region. On May 23, 12 men armed with bats and guns attacked a Roma camp in the Ternopil region. After having banished the seven adults and 33 children, the attackers burned the camp. On June 23, a group of ultranationalists armed with knives attacked a Roma settlement in western Ukraine. They murdered a young Roma named David Pop, 24, who injured more people, including a child, "said the authors of the document.

They also pointed out that the Italian Minister of the Interior , Mattheo Salvini, proposed the Roma petition without specifying the clear objective of this action.

"Revision of a single ethnic group can lead to racist political measures that encourage violence against minorities , as it happened in Italy in 1938 Mussolini. Following the statements of Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, several Romanian Roma citizens were deported and their homes were demolished in Rome at the initiative of the local authorities. The City Hall of Rome wants to expel 400 Roma who have lived in the improvised camp for years. On July 19, as a result of a racist attack, a Romanian Romanian named Cerasela, a year and three months old, was shot in the back while she was in her mother's arms. in the manifesto

The initiators called on the Romanian state to draft legislation condemning anti-racist racism, following the model of the anti-Semitic law; the creation of a government observer on racism and xenophobia; implementation and budgeting of the National Roma Strategy; reform of institutions dealing with the inclusion of Roma; NAC sanctioned hate speech

The Italian and Ukrainian authorities have been invited to ensure the protection of Roma citizens and the European Commission to step up anti-racism surveillance in the Member States in order to identify skirmishes as well as training for the Agency for Fundamental Rights of a Directorate to monitor the situation of Roma communities in all Member States. It was also requested that the infringement procedure be initiated for Member States that do not sanction hate crimes

Carmen Gheorghe, President of the E-Romnia Association, said the manifesto had a dual role: out of the country, but also to draw the attention of the Romanian state to the fact that "this is not enough and does not position itself as it should "for the Roma

. "This demonstration is above all a sign of solidarity for our Roma diaspora, who, unfortunately, often becomes the scapegoat of European politicians, whether in national elections or early European elections, as it is In Italy, we want this to be shown in order to show them that they are not alone, especially as the Romanian state abandons them every time, "she said. .

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