Café. Elixir of longevity, a drink that many people enjoy in the morning


People who drink coffee enjoy health and longevity, shows the latest observational study of one of the most popular drinks in the world.

US researchers conducted an observational study to reduce the correlation between coffee consumption and life expectancy, a topic that has been debated for years in the scientific world.

The new study confirms that coffee consumption, even up to 8 cups a day, is associated with a low risk of premature mortality

Up to 8 cups of coffee a day

Previously, we suggested not to exceed four cups of coffee per day. Beyond this amount, the negative effects of this psychotic stimulant appear. But this recent study, conducted by researchers at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), questions the amount of coffee consumed daily. According to the study, up to 8 cups of coffee a day can have a protective effect on longevity. The results were published in JAMA International Medicine.

The researchers analyzed data on 500,000 people aged 57 and over who participated in the British Biobank study. This giant study includes information on the health of 9 million people. Among other things, the subjects had to say how many cups of coffee they ate daily (even though it was decaffeinated coffee), describe the health, tobacco and drug consumption habits of the day. ;alcohol. The volunteers were harvested by such DNA samples.

People were followed for 10 years, during which 14,000 participants died (out of 500,000). The main causes were cancer, cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases. The researchers found that people who drank coffee were less likely to die during the study. "The results suggest that many other coffee compounds, besides caffeine, could be responsible," said Erikka Loftfield study, for Live Science.

On the other hand, after the scientists analyzed the participants' genetic data, they identified four genes associated with the metabolism of coffee, ie how where the body assimilates caffeine. Previous studies have suggested that people with changes in these genes have higher risks of developing cardiovascular disease. Which means that in their case coffee consumption has no protective effect, quite the opposite. And in any case, it is advisable to consume more than one cup of coffee a day.

The coffee is in good health. But without sugar and without milk

The researchers point out that it is an observational study. Specifically, there is an association between coffee and longevity, not a causal relationship. The mechanism by which this effect can occur can not be determined.

"Although the results are soothing for coffee lovers, they come from a study based on observation and should be interpreted with caution," said Erikka Loftfield.

This does not mean that it is recommended to increase the daily consumption of coffee. Of the 500,000 participants, about 10,000 consumed up to 8 cups a day, and the risk of death did not change much compared to those who drank a reasonable amount of 2 to 4 cups a day.

The study thus brings further evidence that coffee is part of a healthy lifestyle. But with one important condition: do not eat in excess and be drunk without sugar or milk

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