Cancer ravaging at a young age, in Romania, given the last minute


The number of Romanians diagnosed with breast cancer and cervix has doubled in the last decade. They are people aged 30 to 39 years old. One in 1000 women in Romania develops breast cancer or cervical uterine at the age of 40, so very young.

According to European statistics, the incidence of breast cancer increased by age group, 4% in the age group 15-39 years and 5% in the age group. age 40-49 years old.

" Breast cancer is at the top of the list of cancer diseases experienced by women many of whom arrive too late at the doctor's office and are forced to undergo mutilating surgery. and extremely difficult treatments.If there are family cases, in addition to analysis and routine tests, genetic tests can provide essential information. My recommendation is that women start the breast implants from the age of 30. Until this age, an annual consultation with the gynecologist is necessary after the beginning of the sexual life, which includes breast control. From the age of 40, a mammogram should be done every two years unless there are particular problems, "says Dr. Ciprian Pop-Began.

The rise of cervical cancer ]

The report pl The recent Institute of Oncology of Cluj-Napoca shows that the incidence of cervical cancer in the 25-29 age group has exceeded 7 cases per 100 000 population . For 30-34 years, the number approaches 15.

" All women who begin their intimate life should do once a year the test of Babeş Papanicolau which shows if there are any In such cases, the doctor decides what to do if there is a need for intervention or follow-up lesions.We can move on to the next step – colposcopy, "says Dr. Tarek Abdou, Senior Obstetrician-Gynecologist

This happens in countries with a less developed health system

"This does not happen anywhere, but in countries with a system of less developed health. (…) The importance of diagnosing the disease at an early stage is crucial because breast and cervical cancers are relatively easy to treat and even treatable forms of cancer. All we need is a consistent prevention policy, information campaigns and, of course, infrastructure and medical staff to serve such an approach ", said Alina Comănescu, president of the Association for Community Health.

Data presented by the World Health Organization in Romania in 2017 show that more than 3,500 women die each year due to breast cancer.

Leading causes of death among women aged 30

This is how this disease ranks 7th among the most important causes of death in the country, after heart disease, accidents cerebrovascular diseases, lung cancer, liver diseases, respiratory diseases and hypertension.

Moreover, the same study shows that in countries with low and average GDP per capita, as is the case in Romania, breast and cervical cancer are the main cause deaths among women over 30 years old.

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