Candu's disturbing statement about mysterious trucks carrying ammunition in Rep. Moldova ~ InfoPrut


The day the United Nations General Assembly passed the resolution on the withdrawal of Russian occupation troops from the left bank of the Dniester, dozens of trucks carrying ammunition entered the territory of the United States. the Republic of Moldova.

"The relationship with the United States is much more pragmatic, they are surprised by the decision of the Supreme Court Court Americans and colleagues of the US Congress assured us that they would continue to support us and try to prevent such things from happening.We also expect important visits from the government and the US Congress.We face some difficulties here on the territory and the transatlantic dialogue can create the comfort that Moldova needs. Last year, various simulations of Russian troops crossing the border of the Republic of Moldova were executed .Since the day the UN voted the withdrawal of the Russian army from the territory of the Republic of Moldova, dozens of trucks carry, without any sign of identification ammunition and weapons in unknown destinations.All actions aimed at arresting those that have been done have failed. These are elements of all that means hybrid warfare, cyberattacks, propaganda " the official of Chisinau

On June 22, with 64 votes in favor, 15 against and 83 abstentions, the L & # 39; General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the draft resolution of the Republic of Moldova on "The complete and unconditional withdrawal of foreign military forces on the territory of the Republic of Moldova"

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