Capital City Hall rejects allegations of "plagiarism" regarding eco-check initiative – Essential


The mayor's hall on Saturday dismissed the accusations of General Counsel Lucian Iliescu that Gabriela Firea allegedly plagiarized the initiative of vouchers and said that his proposal is broken by reality .

The Bucharest Motor Vehicle Renewal Measure was provided for in the Integrated Air Quality Plan as soon as it was drafted and, together with the other measures identified for the improvement of the quality of the vehicle. air in the capital, was posted on the PMB website in October 2016. This measure was included in the final air quality plan that was submitted to public debate in February 2018, reported the 39, press agency of the capital, Mediafax.

The cited source also pointed out that, the pollutant concentrations generated by less polluting cars since the development stage of the Plan have discussed the possibility of increase the number of used cars withdrawn from Bucharest traffic by establishing an appropriate program of the Capital jointly with that developed by the Administration of the Environmental Fund.

"Thus, the Directorate of the Environment pro lays out a Program to stimulate the elimination of polluting vehicles from Bucharest traffic by granting eco-checks to allow citizens to choose, after scrapping the old vehicle or for the purchase a new non-diesel car with a minimum pollution class Euro 6 or another type of locomotive respectful of the environment, "said City Hall.

Regarding the project that councilor Lucian Iliescu mentioned as his proposal, the municipality considers that it does not bring any real benefit, just like its other initiatives. "The initiative that Mr. General Counsel refers to the granting of an additional bonus to the administration of the fund for the environment under the Rabla program, without real benefit to improve the quality of the air in the capital, because by financially incentivising the same old physical or moral person out of circulation remains fundamentally unchanged.And the other initiatives of the General Councilor to ban non euro cars, euro 1 , 2, 3 and 4 to cross the capital during the day and prohibit the movement of all motor vehicles throughout the city of Bucharest, with the exception of intervention, police, rescue, etc. – denotes an approach that does not take into account the opinion of the inhabitants of Bucharest, the realities we face relate mainly to the structure of the car park, most cars with lower pollution standards Euro 5 and 6 and the socio-economic needs of the capital "said the source quoted.

The explanations come after the general councilor of Bucharest City Council, Lucian Iliescu, accused Gabriela Firea on Saturday of discussing a draft decision without specifying the "source of inspiration" because, as he says, the proposal the granting of cross exchange vouchers for the purchase of cars belongs to him.

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