Carmen Dan's husband is dead. Police have filed a suspected criminal case


Police and prosecutors opened a criminal case for an alleged death in the case of husband of Interior Minister Carmen Dan, Corneliu Daniel Dan, who was found dead on Tuesday at his home in Videle, Teleorman County. Teodora Dragole, spokesperson for IPJ Teleorman, told Mediafax that a 57-year-old man, who died at his home in Videle, had opened an alleged death case at his home in Videle

. a presumed death in Videle, a 57-year-old man who was transported to the hospital morgue for necropsy, showing no evidence of body-level violence, a direct reference made by the neighbors in the block respectively, who announced that they have not seen him for some time since the 57-year-old man filed a criminal complaint for a suspicious death, "said Teodora Dragole.

According to the cited source, the case was taken over by prosecutors prosecution

Judicial sources confirmed, for Mediafax, that the 57-year-old man is the husband of Minister Carmen Dan, Corneliu Daniel Dan. Later, the Mayor of Videle, Nicolae Badanoiu, publicly announced that he had congratulated the Minister.

"I heard what happened, I called and passed on my condolences to the Minister. "

And Teleorman County Council Chairman confirmed that Daniel Corn eliu Dan, the husband of the Interior Minister, died at his home in Videle

"It is an unfortunate event in the dancer's family (the minister – no)," said Danut Cristescu, president of CJ Teleorman.

Confirmation came from the Ministry of the Interior. On Monday, the Minister of the Interior, accompanied by Prime Minister Viorica Dancila and other government ministers, made visits to assess the damage caused by the floods in the country. Tuesday, Carmen Dan was in Parliament where he voted for amendments to the Criminal Code

Corneliu Daniel Dan worked for OMV Petrom SA Teleorman until May 31, 2017, with an annual salary of 60,000 lei, the last declaration of the wealth of Minister Carmen Dan

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