causes that can lead to its growth


Big pounds

Excess pounds are closely related to cholesterol in the blood, because weight gain leads to fat storage in adipose tissue and increases "bad cholesterol". Weight loss, even with only 10% for overweight people, can lead to dramatic improvements in blood cholesterol levels.

You Are Sedentary

Sedentary lifestyle, office work and lack of physical activity lead to increased cholesterol. The sport leads to the elimination of stress hormones and burns fat stores, lowering cholesterol. Do at least 30 minutes of movement a day.

Poor nutrition in fruits and vegetables, but rich in meat, some types of margarine, cream, cheese, pork, beef, sausages, potato chips, fast food, all these causes are causes of Increase of cholesterol in the blood. Doctors recommend giving up fat as much as possible and having a serving of vegetables in the dish, in addition to meat and some of the vegetables

Smoking, one of the causes

Smoking submerge the metabolism, toxic, increases the risk of cancer the liver, which is one of the main places of lipid metabolism. Cigarettes significantly increase bad cholesterol and indirectly affect the functionality of vessels and heart

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