Cavani is uncertain about the match with France


"Cavani is essential, given his class as a player, taking into account everything he shows every time he plays in the national team. "In general, physical effort, everyone sees what contribution it has for the team," added Suarez, quoted by Agerpres.

"But it will not be easy in terms of recovery, as there are not many days available.I know that Edi wants, has the desire, the attitude, devotion, strength and will do everything that depends on him to be on the ground, "said Luis Suarez. Uruguay trained without its top scorer Tuesday in Russia, Edison Cavani, author of three goals

left foot injury

Edinson Cavani suffered an "edematous lesion" on his left leg, "no rupture of muscle fibers", according to a publication of the Uruguayan Federation (AUF) published Monday night, but it was not specified if the PSG player, injured in the final of the 2018 World Cup, will be restored in time for the match "A review of Imaging was performed to the player Edinson Cavani, who confirmed edematous lesion of the internal muscle of the left foot pulp without rupture of the muscle fibers, "said the Uruguayan federation, stating that the player is" not good "and that" he will perform differentiated work and psychological rehabilitation. "

" I felt a pain, I felt a burning action and I could not continue " said Cavani after leaving the room 74 minutes of play in the final against Portugal (2-1).

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