Cheikh business in the big island


• Rumors that the company that operates the 57,000 hectares of arable land of the IMB will be owned by a sheikh of the United Arab Emirates • In exclusivity, Constantin Duluţe, owner of Agricost, told us yesterday that decided to conclude the agreement, that negotiations are nearing the end and that he is convinced by the end of the week that the documents will be signed • Duluţa says it will remain a minority shareholder in the company and ensures that all employees will keep their jobs, and even would be hired after the massive investments that the Arabs intend to make here

The rumors that have arisen since the beginning of this year, according to which SC "Agricost" SA, the company that exploits the arable lands of the Big Island of Braila, will be supported by an Arab sheikh. After several months, he said that he did not intend to sell the majority of the shares, the current owner of "Agricost", the man 's. Constantin Duluţe business, confirmed us yesterday that he finally decided to make this transaction. At the same time, Duluţă ensures that even after entering the portfolio of Al Dahra in the United Arab Emirates, owned by Sheikh Hamdan Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Agricost SA will retain its current employees and even recruit new employees. This is because the Arabs are planning to make massive investments, designed to bring additional efficiency to the farmland exploitation of the Big Island. The lands still remain the property of the Romanian state, "Agricost" SA retaining its concession concluded for a period of 20 years, as of 2012.

"Yes, I intend to sell, the discussions are very advanced, but still some conditions are negotiated.I appreciate that we are somewhere at 90% and at the end of the week, I think we will finish .We needed this infusion capital, because we had to grow, and we could not do it ourselves, they will have the majority of the shares, and I will stay with a minority stake, but I keep my place on the Board. , I assure you that there will be no change, neither in the management of the company, nor at the level of the staff.Even our plans foresee that we will soon be hired because & # 39; There will be large investments and we will need people. Regarding the current contracts, the obligations towards the Romanian state, the relationship with the ADS, the amount of the fee, nothing will change. All of these responsibilities, rights and obligations are those of the company, and the company will respect them as before. The only change will be in the structure of the shareholding. Both. I assure you that the Big Island of Braila is an extremely important step, that there will be many benefits. And not only for the island. I am confident that all Braila County will benefit because we are talking about an extremely powerful investor, financially powerful, willing and able to invest, and having an openness to an extraordinary market, that of the market. ;East. In fact, this led us to make the decision of this association – the desire for development, because we have to remain competitive, and a bigger market to capitalize on our production. We have many projects, I am confident that we will be able to implement them and will benefit both our company and our employees, and the county of Braila in general " declared exclusively for" Obiectiv – Vocea Brăilei " , Constantine

With regard to the subsidies granted by the European Union and the Romanian State, Duluţe explained that the beneficiary is the company "Agricost", and that they will continue Therefore, all the terms and conditions will be respected and, therefore, will receive the appropriate amounts, just like any other farmer in Romania. "At the same time he pointed out that" Agricost "pays the fee, including the first tranche in 2018, to ADS, owner of the large island

Transaction of hundreds of millions of euros

Although Duluţe did not specify the value of the transaction, according to the According to reports in the central press, the majority stake in Agricost was sold for the sum of 200 million to Al Dahra in the United Arab Emirates, owned by Sheikh Hamdan Bin Zayed Al Nahyan. At the same time, the Emirates company will have to invest at least 500 million euros in the Big Island business of Braila. The aspirations of the Arabs would be to develop the livestock sector at the IMB, as stated by Constantin Duluţe, quoted by the daily Adevărul. "After what they have presented to me, they will invest about 500 million euros in five years in machinery, irrigation facilities and waterways. Expansion of livestock On the animal side, there is an integrated development, from breeding, sheep to slaughter and processing I understand that they want to breed 150,000 sheep in the island, acclimated varieties.It is normal, in what market they have " he said.

Before making this transaction, the Barladan Constantin Duluţe is already in the Top 100 of the richest Romanians with an estimated wealth of 60 million euros. After consolidating its position among millionaires in the euro, Duluţe reportedly stated that in addition to being a minority shareholder in the company that exploits arable land at the IMB, he plans to invest heavily in the purchase of farmland across the country [19659003] As is known, Constantine Duluţe took over the Big Island case about five years ago when he bought the "TCE 3 Brazi" Brăila Work Point of Culita Trăţă, shortly before the death of the man. business in Piatra Neamt. Subsequently, the name of the company was changed to "Agricost" SA, which still has the right to operate the 57,000 ha. The land had been conceded by the firm Trăţă since 2012 for a period of 20 years

Regarding the future owner of Farmosti, according to the central press, it is the emir of Abu Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan (55). The emir is honorary chairman of the Al Jazeera football club and has been minister and even prime minister of the United Arab Emirates several times. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and Business Administration, which he received from the UAE University. The Al Dahra trading company has activities in agriculture – grain cultivation, production and trade, with two divisions, animal feed and food for people, namely rice, flour, fruits and vegetables. The Arabs had a business since 2015 with the big island of Braila, when they started buying alfalfa used as fodder for camels

"Agricost" a lucrative business with grants of dozens of millions of euros

As we already informed you at the time, from the summer of 2015 "Agriculture" an ultramodern station for the dehydrated balloon and the alfalfa. The fodder thus produced has been very successful in the East market, so in the last years "Agricost" has constantly increased the cultivation areas of alfalfa

According to data obtained by our daily newspaper of the Agricultural Department of Braila, in the current agricultural season. Lucerne occupies at the IMB no less than 2,289 hectares. In the rest of the state's land grant, Agricost has planted wheat crops on 12,730 ha of barley on 6,297 ha of maize on 10,000 ha of pea on 2,800 ha of sunflower on 2,075 ha and soybeans on 6,900 ha. Several thousand acres have not been cultivated, which has left them to "rest", a common practice in large-scale agriculture, for soil restoration.

In recent years, Agricost has invested heavily in state-of-the-art machinery. impressive number of tractors, combine harvesters, seeders, irrigation facilities. The company is constantly on profit, thanks to the large production, but also because of subsidies received from the state. In 2016, for example, "Agricost" achieved a turnover of about 387.2 million lei, with a net profit of nearly 71.1 million lei, up from 2015 where he achieved a turnover of 365, 2 million lei, with a net profit of 63.3 million lei

At the same time, the information sent by the APIA , at the request of the central press, shows that SC "Agricost" is among the recipients of state-paid subsidies in 2016. Specifically, the company has obtained the largest grant, an amount of 17 million euros, for the operations carried out in the farm of the Great Island of Braila. The amount is increasing compared to the previous campaign when he received 10.3 million euros from APIA grants. In 2017, the amount received from the APIA as grants amounted to 9.4 million euros

. With regard to its obligations as a concessionaire, Agricost must provide 606 kg of wheat / hectare / year and 720 euro / ha / year for non-agricultural land. In total, the value of the annual concession for the total area of ​​57,720 ha exploited in the Big Island of Braila is about 5 million euros. At the time the land was exploited by the Cultiţă Trăţă company, "TCE 3 Brazi", there were considerable delays in the payment of the fee. At present, according to Constantin Duluţe, payments have been updated

It would have remained, however, the contract with TCE 3 Brazi, the central press points out, a remaining unpaid fee of 20 million lei, out of a total of 180 million lei

Regarding Duluţe: "The agriculture is paid to date, we paid the first installment in 2018."

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