Chief Florin Dumitrescu, the truth about his family: "It's the one who …"


Florin Dumitrescu, juror of the show "Chefi the knits", has two winning finals from the culinary show, a series of successful personal projects and an agenda that is full of events and travels across the country . With a difficult career and a wonderful family, the famous boss seems to have already discovered the recipe for happiness and admits that during the extremely busy periods he finds refuge among his relatives: " When I come home after a day complete … the one who recalibra me . "

That's why among the ingredients of the ideal recipe of Florin Dumitrescu, we find the moments spent with his wife and the two little girls, who not only complete it, but make him think and that in his 30 years he is truly an accomplished man: "Happiness and success go hand in hand, but the most important thing is to know how to calibrate them, I feel myself a successful and very happy man. am happy with what i have and i want so much to raise my children that for ten or twenty years … they remember with love the beautiful childhood that they had. "

Convinced family, the chef confesses that for him and Cristina, became his wife more than four years ago, the goals took on a slightly different outline from the coming of the world to Ave and the Lamb: " L & # The appearance of children only unites us even more. It gave us a sense, a much more complex goal. If the goal was to discover the world together, it's now awesome. It can be found in four and it is much more beautiful!

Both are very involved in the education and education of the two little girls who seem to have inherited from Florin's chef the curiosity of combining ingredients into delicious recipes. In the Dumitrescu family, cooking sessions are carried out with the help of the little ones, participating enthusiastically in the preparation of the food, even if for them the gastronomy remains a beautiful piece: "Home cooking together, we make all kinds of desserts inspired by modern cuisine with healthy ingredients, suitable for children (no sugar, no carob instead of cocoa and whole flour) They are both basic aids, we cook them cookies or that we clean the garlic.We work as a team "he said.

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