Children can make kidney stones if they eat too much meat, warns a specialist – Mother and baby> Children


The latest data show that childhood obesity is increasing and that the main cause is a diet rich in meat, nuts and acidified juices.

Overweight or obese children have a higher risk of developing diseases The heart, diabetes, cancer and urologists say that the number of kidney stones has increased in recent years. "Compared to 30 years ago, we are diagnosing many more kidney stones in children as a result of changes in our diet: we eat a lot more meat, we take many dietary supplements. growing children with kidney stones is correlated with obesity as these babies suffer more and more " warns Dr. Selçuk Yücel, a specialist with experience in the treatment of urological diseases in children and infants

Kidney or kidney stones occur mainly if there is a genetic predisposition to this type of medical problem, but doctors mention in addition to genetics and unbalanced diets and other factors of risk. "Increased acidity of a child's diet can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Acidified drinks in excess increase the level of acidity in the urine, and phosphate crystals accumulate in the form of calculus. Similarly, excessive consumption of animal protein leads to increased acidity, the perfect field of kidney formation, especially in boys. Also, insufficient hydration at the expense of acidic juice consumption can create the perfect conditions for the appearance of kidney stones ", supplements the specialist

Thus, parents must carefully monitor the health of children

The color of urine is an important indicator of health and hydration

"An adult should consume at least 3 liters of fluid a day, and children, especially boys, must consume, according to their age, a minimum of 1 to 1.5 liter of fluid a day.In summer, when the body sweats, the amount must be higher.The color of the urine is a good indicator of the level Thus, the "yellow" color of the urine shows that the body is dehydrated, and in these conditions, the fluid intake must be increased.The daily intake of freshly squeezed lemon juice prevents not only the formation of calc renal uls, but is also beneficial for people who already have kidney stones. Lemon juice can be added to various preparations, but it must be fresh " Added pediatric urologist Selçuk Yücel.

The diet of children predisposed to kidney stones should be developed by a doctor. Excess meat should be eliminated, but red meat, fish and poultry should remain in the diet in optimal quantity as they are considered essential to the growth and development of children.

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