China would be responsible for the hole in the ozone layer over eastern Asia


MEDIA Investigation Agency (EIA) discovered an industrial use of CFC-11 (chlorofluorocarbon), which would be considered one of the most damaging chemicals for the ozone layer, according to the BBC [19659002] CFCs used, generally in polyurethane foams for seals or refrigerants. Chlorofluorocarbons were banned in 1987 by the Montreal Protocol, an international agreement to stop chemicals that deplete the ozone layer

The document was implemented slowly, but 11 years ago, CFC – 11, the most destructive chlorofluorocarbon, was almost zero

"We were amazed when out of 21 companies surveyed in China, 18 confirmed the use of CFC-11, recognizing the illegality and being extremely criticized the use of these chemicals, "says AIMA Mahapatra, AIM expert. "These companies have told us many times that everyone is doing it," says an EIA expert.

July 11, Montreal Protocol Working Group to Meet in Vienna to Discuss Next Steps

"This week will be a critical moment for dialogue and action to ensure that all illegal activities are thoroughly reviewed and urgently decided, "said Erik Solheim, Executive Director of the United Nations Protection Program. of the environment.

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