Clerk in Iasi to pay 20,000 euros to man convicted of murder


Iasi court clerk to pay 20,000 euros to man sentenced to imprisonment for murder, fax on parole failed to arrive in high security penitentiary on time Iasi

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the Greifier the Court of Iasi was prosecuted for negligence by prosecutors in She is accused of failing to send a fax to the Iaşi High Security Penitentiary to announce that one of the detainees was admitted on parole.

"The court sentenced the accused Victor Cristina to 18,000 lei 180-day fine, with an appropriate value of 100 lei), for the commission of negligence in the service.In part admits the action civil claim brought by Mocanu Marin and requires the defendant Victor Cristina to pay to the civil party the sum of 20,000 euros, representing moral damages

Marian Mocanu, aged 62, has been detained in Iasi penitentiary since 1999, when he was convicted of assault.was found guilty of killing his brother-in-law, that he hit with his ax and threw him into the court toilets. He was sentenced to 18 years in prison for murder.

In the summer of 2014, the man applied for his parole, the application having been rejected by the Iasi court. the court's decision in the Iaşi Court and, in December 2014, was admitted on appeal. s of the court also ordered his parole

Grefiera faxed the communication of the Court's decision to Iasi's high security penitentiary, but the fax had an error and the document was not sent the prisoner is still imprisoned. He filed three applications with the courts requesting their release, but they were rejected. After about half a year, the inmate was released.

After leaving prison, the man filed a criminal complaint in the name of the cemetery, demanding moral damages of 500,000 euros.


Damages awarded

the iasi cemetery

iasi court

Graphene error

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