Codrin Ştefănescu: "Augustin Lazăr must be thanked"


Justice Minister Tudorel Toader announced that over time, Attorney General Augustin Lazar "had positions that were not on the frequency of the law in force," adding: "A each of us comes a moment of evaluation "

Codrin Ştefănescu, deputy general secretary of the PSD, announced Tuesday evening on Romanian television that Toader was to apply the law and send Lazar on the model Laura Codruţa Kovesi

"Tudorel Toader has all the support to enforce the law and make professional decisions, as was the case with Laura Codruta Kovesi.He is a professional who knows exect.She wants to make an evaluation of Lazarus, that I think that Lazar must be dismissed: all the political class and the media must be overcome and the acts published by the Romanian government.I await this evaluation and I expect it that everyone responds to the law for what they did, these people like Kovesi, Onea, Negulescu. There are unscrupulous people, they have destroyed lives, not careers.

In Germany, the Attorney General was dismissed in 8 seconds by the Minister of Justice. Lazăr must be fired! ", Said Codrin Ştefănescu to TV TV

" Mr. Lazăr had known me for a long time, being Attorney General and Minister of Justice, and we are collaborating that day today or when he is a Attorney General and I the minister we cooperate institutionally in the judicial authority We collaborate institutionally Of course, over the years, I think that it's been a year or two, he has positions that have not been on the frequency of the law in force, not on my frequency (…), "said Tudorel Toader at DCNews on Tuesday, asks how he collaborates with Attorney General Augustin Lazar and if it will be a request for his dismissal

He argued that there were cases in which the Attorney General had "partitions".

"When he said, for example, at the CSM, he accredited the idea that the assessment I made, on the basis of which I initiated the procedure of r evocation Chief Prosecutor of DNA – n.r.) would be illegal because a SCM regulation provides for another methodology. And I replied then: the SCM regulation can not change the law. If the law establishes criteria, skills, procedures, I abide by the law, I do not go to the settlement, which contradicts the law for the good reason that a regulation can not deviate from the law, can not the edit. At that time, we were next to each other at SCM and asked him if the statement was documented or not. Finally, he does not count the answer, however, that he had the scores of his reign, "said Toadorel Toader.

Toader mentioned that he could give more examples [19659003] "I give you a general answer, generally valid:" added the Minister of Justice to the Attorney General Augustin Lazar

. To the question of whether this means that the Attorney General should be subjected to the assessment, Mr. Toader added: "I repeat: to each of us comes a time of evaluation. "

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