Coffee and health: what are the benefits?


Coffee Bei? Researchers say you will live longer. At least, this is confirmed by a recent study: coffee consumption is associated with a low risk of premature (younger) death. And it seems that he would not count the amount, or decaffeinated or not, concludes a study recently published in JAMA Internal Medicine.

There is a link between coffee consumption and longevity

"We noted an inverse association between the habit of drinking coffee and mortality, that study participants consumed a cup or more a day – even eight or more, that they drink instant coffee or decaffeinated, "says Dr. Erikka Loftfield, study director and researcher at National Cancer Institute

The researchers used British Biobank study information, through which a larger group of adults in the United Kingdom answered medical questions, performed physical examinations and provided biological samples.For this study, a link between coffee consumption and mortality risk, researchers analyzed information from 500,000 adults who answered questions about coffee, cigarette, alcohol, and antecedent information. In the 10 years following the study, during the follow-up period, 14,200 people died. During the next study period

No matter how much coffee you drink, it helps you live longer

Researchers have found a link between longevity and consumption of any kind what kind of coffee. The study showed that there are small variations depending on the amount of coffee consumed, the amount of caffeine (cappuccino, espresso, double espresso or decaf) contained in the coffee or how it was prepared: instantly, to the pot, to the filter. Importantly, compared to those who do not drink coffee, those who ate a cup of coffee a day were 8% less likely to die prematurely. And it increases slightly in quantity: 16% for those who drink six, seven coffees a day or 14% for those who have eight coffees or more.

The rate at which a person metabolizes caffeine does not appear to affect longevity in spite of previous studies suggesting that the habit of drinking coffee may be linked to an increased risk of high blood pressure and From cardiovascular attack, patients slowly metabolize caffeine. But these studies considered coffee consumption after the onset of an illness and did not examine the risk of mortality in general, as did the present study. Using the study and the information provided by the Biobank study, the researchers were able to access a huge amount of genetic information, some of which related to caffeine metabolism, which made it difficult for people to learn about it. study based on a complex analysis

to the prolongation of life

This combined discovery and effect already known as the promoter of decofree coffee longevity suggests that caffeine is not the substance that activates the mechanism that helps to prolong life. But because the study we were talking about was an observation, which means that it was taking into account the patterns of an already existing set of information, it's impossible to say that the ## 147 ## The habit of drinking coffee is really responsible for the death at The relationship we saw between coffee and health is based on observational studies, "says Dr. Erikka Loftfield. "In order to better understand the potential biological mechanisms behind the association between coffee and certain health benefits, additional studies are needed," said the researcher who led the study.

However, this recent study adds to other research that has discovered the benefits associated with coffee consumption. And even though previous studies have linked coffee or other hot beverages to cancer, the World Health Organization recently concluded that there was no evidence of the disease. a clear link between coffee and carcinoma. "Our study provides information that coffee consumption can be part of a healthy lifestyle, reassuring coffee lovers that they are on the right track," concluded Erikka Loftfield.

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