Consumption of processed meat was associated with serious psychiatric disorders


Meat treated with nitrate has been associated with long periods of hyperactivity, insomnia, and loss of attention in people with manic episodes. Research conducted by Hopkins University specialists on caregivers for manic symptoms revealed that these people consumed even three times more processed meat products than patients treated for other psychiatric disorders.

"We noticed several types of diets, but the processed meat was highlighted," said Robert Yolken, author of the study. According to, which quotes Science Alert, the mechanism behind this association is not yet clear, but tests on mice fed pastrama revealed increased motions and alteration of the hippocampal signals . Changes have also been observed in the intestinal microflora of animals, suggesting a possible link between nitrates and their effects on the nervous system.

Together, the findings suggest that there is a link between a diet rich in pasta, salami and other processed meat-based foods, and the development of anger-related disorders in some people. Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by dramatic changes in mood and energy. This includes episodes of mania that can last from a few weeks to several months and may coincide with depression or psychosis. The disease affects one in 25 people at one point in life.

Up to now, little information is known about the disease. Among the main causes are environmental factors, infections, smoking during pregnancy. Food is another factor that has attracted the attention of specialists. In the study, medical reports were used to rank 700 volunteers with mania, bipolar depression or schizophrenia. In the case of angry people, most had a diet rich in processed meat.

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