Controversy in England: The reason why at least 40 schools banned wearing skirts


At least 40 schools in England banned wearing skirts, according to a regulatory analysis of uniforms in the country, which notes that there is a tendency to adopt unisex uniforms so as not to affect students transgender, writes The Independent, quoted by

Other schools also take into consideration the change of unisex uniforms that can also help transgender students to feel included

One of the schools who made this decision last year is the Lewes Priory, in East Sussex, after the pupils had asked why boys and girls had to wear different clothes and insisted on the importance the comfort of transgender students.

At Copleston High School, Ipswich, skirts are banned "Skinny jeans and facial piercings," according to the Sunday Times. All students must wear "plain gray pants".

Skirts were banned at Woodhey High School in Bury because they can be "heavy and humiliating" for staff and visitors when the girls are sitting on the amphitheater.

Also at Bury, at Phillips High School, skirts will be prohibited for new students who will start school in September 2018 and for all students the following year. The decision met opposition from students who launched a petition against the measure, collecting thousands of signatures.

"We feel more confident when we wear a skirt and the trousers look nice, teenagers' self-esteem issues keep getting bigger and the fact that we can not wear clothes that we consider the best will hurt our mental health and our academic performance, "says the petition.

most often more expensive than skirts

" It is inappropriate for staff members to offer sexual connotations and control the bodies of the children they are taking care of. There is nothing offensive in a child's knee. If a teacher thinks that a child's knee is "too sexual," then he should be expelled immediately for inappropriate behavior, "said the students in the petition


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