Coophanesti: Nearly 200 children vaccinated as part of an awakening pilot project


– the action was part of a vaccination and information campaign launched by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the World Health Organization and UNICEF – localities with low vaccination rates are targeted

From 10th to 12th July, Coţofăneşti commune of Bacău County, an information recovery and vaccination campaign was conducted. The action has benefited from the support of local authorities and volunteers – family doctors and specialists in the promotion of health education. The management of the Public Health Department of Bacau and the epidemiologist of this institution prepared the work at the local level and were involved throughout the period.

The mobilization has not been in vain. Within three days, the Ministry of Health informed, 190 children were vaccinated, receiving 220 doses of vaccine, of which 176 children were vaccinated with MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), 28 children vaccinated with hexavalent, 6 children vaccinated against pneumococcus, and 10 children vaccinated with tetravalent.

"Thus, if the vaccination rate in Coţofăneşti commune was only 3.9% in May, the vaccination percentage increased to 95% after this action. was registered in the campaign, the percentage of unaccompanied children is composed of those with temporary vaccine contraindications and children left out of the locality, "said the press release of the Ministry of Health.

During the three days, two doctors of Onesti, specialists in primary medicine, joined the family doctor in Coţofăneşti commune. There were therefore three teams of doctors and nurses who consulted the children brought by their parents to the medical office and vaccinated those who had no contraindications.

Residents of remote areas were helped by the local government to reach the House of Culture where health education promotion specialists presented a film on immunization, as well as on the rules of health. 39, diet and hygiene respected at the time of delivery. Parents who were not very clear about the vaccination were able to ask questions, get answers from specialists, and those who wanted to vaccinate their children went to the nearby medical office.

The idea of ​​this campaign came after the workshop Slanic Moldova

"The results of the vaccination campaign organized in the municipality of Coţofăneşti and our experience in the implementation of Community Services for Children show that central and local authorities cooperate with representatives, the non-governmental sector and local professionals, parents are informed about the benefits of vaccination and choose to protect their children in an informed way. , the Ministry of Health, central and county authorities are working on the development and implementation of a strong national immunization program to protect all Romanian children, "said Despina Andrei, UNICEF Communications and Financing Officer in Romania [19659003] The action aimed to recover the national immunization plan for children up to 3 months. 9 to 10 years, but the vaccine and children over this age were also used. They were protected against measles and other communicable diseases, married adolescents and those who did not have the vaccine.

"The ROR vaccination information and recovery campaign initiated in Coţofăneşti will continue in other counties of the country, lower vaccination.It was preceded by a workshop organized in Slănic Moldova, in Bacau County, May 4-6, 2018, where the best approach approaches have been discussed and identified to increase the level of information and vaccination among vulnerable communities, "said the statement. Department of Health

"An information and recovery campaign for vaccination was imperative, with the lives of 59 children mated with measles. We can not wait anymore. I make a permanent call to family doctors, public health directorates and local authorities to mobilize to increase vaccination rates. We choose places where the degree of vaccination is very low and where recovery is difficult to achieve. We intervene by conducting information campaigns with the population and by supplementing the family doctors and nurses of the region. If necessary, we will temporarily set up vaccination centers to facilitate access to vaccination. We have with the Ministry of Health in this campaign representatives of the largest organizations with expertise in the field, the WHO and UNICEF, and thank them for being sure that together we will succeed in our approach. This is a first step in this series of actions that will continue with a national campaign.

Sorina Pintea, Minister of Health

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