Cornelia Catanga makes accusations of HALUCINANTS about her husband


Cornelia Catanga accused her husband of changing a child at birth because she was expecting her to have a baby girl, but she gave birth to a boy .

"At the last minute, woke up from anesthesia, that I did caesarean section, I knew that she was a girl. 1993, July 2, from 1 pm to 3 pm, I gave birth to Alexandre, knowing by doctors that I had no right to give birth.My mother had died early in the day. 1992, and in 1993 I became pregnant (…) I have an eye problem that the whole country knows, but I said that I wanted to have a child at the risk of my life ", at- he says. Cornelia Catanga.

"For the first time – Alexandru I did not bring it in the name of Aurel Padureanu, but to my name.I said that he was married, he has two children, he has a wedding in the back, I did not think he would stay with me, "she said.

Cornelia Catanga explained why he wanted to have a daughter

" I wanted a girl, because where my love started with Padureanu, in Israel, in the Holy Land, we said and the bad ones and the good ones, and the idea that a girl is dead / gone there is 40 years old … The child would have been 41 to 42 years old. And I wanted to make him happy, but I also wanted a girl (…) The doctor knew that she was a boy, but she did not want me to leave with my mind … "

" You've changed the baby! Where is my daughter? », She told Aurel Padureanu when she saw for the first time the child that the child believed to be so far away

Video Source: Antena Stars

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