Correspondence in Brussels / Ten Unpublished Things on the NATO Summit


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1. Security measures were draconian

Thousands of police, military and firefighters ensured the security of heads of state and government, as well as that of their delegations, made up of defense ministers and business ministers. Foreign. On the NATO building were still snipers

Sniper at NATO headquarters

Heads of state and government had a special alley to surrender at the NATO building. No one was allowed in this perimeter, with the exception of a small group of selected journalists a long time ago. Specially trained dogs check each camera and camcorder.

2. North Atlantic Council meeting, far from cameras and cameras

With the exception of official delegations, no foreigner was allowed in the premises where the Council meetings were held. North Atlantic are the main decision-making forum of NATO. The press center was organized in a separate building. The journalist's road was well defined. The press was embarked on special buses made available by the Belgian government. The route, from boarding to the press center, is 10 minutes.

3. Tense Discussions

Some Heads of State and Government participated in the debates held at a conference that took place in parallel with the NATO summit. The day was opened by Rose Gottemoeller, Ursula von der Leyen, Minister of Defense, Mevlut Cavusoglu, Minister of Defense, and Jacek Czaputowicz, Polish Minister for Foreign Affairs

The debate between the German Defense Minister and the Minister of Defense Poland's Foreign Minister The Turkish foreigner became tense after Mevlut Cavusoglu blamed Ursulei von der Leyen that Germany pulled Patriot anti-aircraft missiles out of his country. The discussion took place in the context where Ankara wants to buy S400 missiles to Russia, a strategic opponent of NATO.

4. Canada's Prime Minister at the Socket Summit

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau participates, along with NATO leaders, in the summit organized in the Belgian capital. During one of the debates on issues related to the future of defense and the transatlantic partnership, Justin Trudeau once again wore colorful socks to glitter, which attracted the attention of the media, while like at the summit last year. He was wearing socks with the NATO logo.

5. British Prime Minister and German Chancellor, jackets of the same color

Theresa May, British Prime Minister and Angela Merkel, German Chancellor, wore at the top of NATO jackets of the same color – blue

6. Donald Trump with the "Beast" Summit

The image captured at the arrival of Donald Trump at the summit offered a sample of the "beast", the armored limousine of the American president, whose door makes 20 centimeters of thickness. The limousine is famous for its level of safety as well as for its luxurious interior fittings.

7. Klaus Iohannis, behind Donald Trump at the official ceremony

President Klaus Iohannis arrived at 13:00 at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels

Klaus Iohannis said that the priority of the Romania is the Black Sea.

" For us, this means very concrete things: we have provided a very important command center to improve the coordination of NATO's work in our region (…) and for us, it is obviously very important to give the attention we want to give to the Black Sea region … (…) We believe that we will not only gain more attention for the Black Sea, but also an increased presence of NATO in the Black Sea region " Klaus Iohannis told the NATO summit in Brussels. 8. Groups at the official ceremony

The leaders of the 29 Member States came to groups at the official ceremony. The first group was dominated by the United Kingdom and Germany, the second by Canada. Donald Trump came last, accompanied by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The US president criticized Germany even on the morning of the summit. Donald Trump said that Berlin was totally controlled by Moscow

9. What Romania can achieve at the summit

Romania could obtain at the summit an army headquarters of 400 soldiers to coordinate a rapid intervention in case of conflict

10. Controversy at the top

Controversy at the Brussels summit – Allocation of 2% of GDP by all NATO member countries. Germany says that she can not allocate this percentage. In addition, Donald Trump called on NATO allies to increase defense spending to 4% of GDP.

The summit in figures

  • Number of invited countries: 49
  • The youngest leader: the Prime Minister of Estonia, Jüri Ratas – 40 years.
  • Leader with most appearances at the NATO summit: Chancellor Angela Merkel – 8.
  • The length of the blue carpet where heads of state were received: 110 meters
  • ] Form of the official meeting: President / Prime Minister at the table – up to 5 Councilors in the back
  • Maximum duration of the session of each leader by session: 3 Number of public comments to be submitted by the Secretary General of NATO: 18 .
  • NATO Summits in Brussels – 8 [1989198819851975and1974
  • The number of helicopters that have overtaken NATO headquarters today: 22 from 13 different countries
  • Number of soldiers serving NATO operations: Approximately 24,000 Number of accredited journalists: about 2,300 .

The NATO summit will end on Thursday, July 12 with a 79-point statement, some of which will concern Romania and the Republic of Moldova


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