Corruption is in the DNA of Romanians


Speaking with Corriere della Sera reporters, Angela Gheorghiu says she is considered the "black sheep" of her work because she always said what she thinks and reacts to to what she does not like

Italian journalists describe her "the last singer who embodies the idea of ​​classicism" in the world opera, "with a voice different from everything the rest not only for what he does on stage but also outdoors. "

Asked about the nickname "Draculina", the soprano " I'm surprised, Dracula is a legend, a character invented, among other things, by an Irishman, not a Romanian, why nobody says that Have helped so many colleagues and directors? & nbsp;

At the beginning of the interview, the soprano talks about her family, the mower, the father of the train Adjud who loves the # 39; opera. "Dad drove the trains, he loved the opera, and I imitated just like a child, I was a sponge, my voice did not come from nothing"

Communism followed, and in an interview, Angela Gheorghiu says that Ceausescu came to power when I was born in 1965. When you are a child, you do not understand, sing, and then give me all the free singing lessons. But it was a horrible country.At 14 years old, I went to study in Bucharest.Luckily, Ceausescu fell a year before finishing the conservatory e in 1989 and I was able to start traveling. But that did not change much in my country . "

When asked why this is said, the soprano talks about corruption in Romania." Corruption is not only in politics, it is in the DNA of Romanians . For the doctors to treat you, the priests to baptize you, you have to give money under your hand. There is a parallel world. There are no highways, schools, hospitals, theaters, the country is divided into two, old and young, fortunately they are there. I have sung all over the world, but I have never attended an opera show in Romania. & # 39;

In this context, the soprano also remembers the recent scandal she had with Gabriela Firea, after the mayor of the capital climbed the stage with Simona Halep and was booed by more than 20,000 people

" Those in power believe that Romanian artists should sing for free or nearby.When I was able to take Placido Domingo in 1994 he was paid but not me Those who succeed in life are not appreciated The Mayor of Bucharest wanted to give me the title of citizen of honor to make her photo, she is a woman who exploits everything, uses the success of others: j & The same thing happened to my girlfriend, the tennis player, Simona Halep, who was accompanied at a ceremony at the stadium and witnessed the whistles addressed to the mayor's office ]"Gheorghiu told Italian journalists. In the same interview, the soprano also talks about her personality, which does not make her the most beloved of the world work. " I know I'm wayward, it's the cross that I have to go through all my life.The artists are passionate.If I've had sensational incidents?" So it's true that In Vienna I did not appear on stage after the first act of "Tosca" because Jonas Kaufmann did "lucevan the stelle" .I begged him not to do it: take all the applause, but do not do it, do not do it.I was annoyed.After its deserved success, I supported it in its beginnings.After "Butterfly", we talked about the production of the CD and the concert "Aida" in Rome with Antonio Pappano and Santa Cecilia.I am out of the project and I do not know why .

Italian journalists remember that soon in London at Royal Opera, where soprano Angela Gheorghiu is considered a "house of the house", an autobiography written with Jon Tolansky

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