Costel Corduneanu, finally acquitted in a file …


"Rejects as unfounded the remedies declared by the National Anticorruption Directorate – Iaşi Territorial Service and the accused Clapon Gheorghe, Craveţchi (formerly Clapon) Tatiana Rodica, Cristodorescu Tiberiu Francisc, Gitlan Silviu Iulian, Rusu (former Corduneanu) Gheorghe, SC Ambra Line Production SRL Iaşi, through the intermediary of the legal representative Caldarariu Ionel, against the penal sentence n ° 580 of June 13, 2016, pronounced by the court of Iaşi " is shown in the minutes of the court, published by

In the case of Corduneanu, suspected of favoring the offender in case some intruders in Iasi cheat a person that they could buy the money from a judge with him , the court definitely rejected the DNA samples, considering the unfounded DNA appeal [f9, p. , v, n, t, s)
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