Cristi Brancu, revelations about Antonia's relationship with Alex Velea


Cristi Brancu said that Antonia and Alex Velea kissed for the first time in a toilet and immediately fell in love: "And then there was a flirtation, a thing, after which he tried to kiss her, she did not say anything, after which they went to the restroom, they arrived, they kissed – they say in the toilet nothing more happens … and here's how the relationship began. (…)

At that time, Alex Velea was married to Ana, and Antonia was married to Vincenzo.What happened next? Later, this relationship evolved from so that the Castellano family – otherwise, a very strong family and a very fine nose – felt that something was wrong with Antonia … And … Antonia will take Alex Velea into the house in the residential complex, who was the Castellano de Vicente, and Antonia goes with Alex Velea and they see pictures of these things. more and more together, Alex Velea, feeling that these things can not go very far, choose to do the right thing, and at that moment Alex Velea divorces Ana, waiting for Antonia to do the same thing with Vincenzo. (…) "said Cristi Brancu

" In any case: it's a fantastic love between Antonia and Alex Velea! A love that is seen and a love that is crowned with two children. But, according to Romanian law, I remind you that these very beautiful children were named at birth: Castellano, because they have to take the name of the father and that the father is, even if you made the baby with somebody else, the mother husband, so to speak. (…)

Antonia now cries thinking about the child! It is true, technically speaking, even at the time when she did not become a mother, even after, her visits to Maya, her Italian daughter, were not very frequent. Maybe, and certainly has a very busy schedule – it is absolutely natural, he is a well known artist, he is also a TV, he has online advertising, he has two children. There is no doubt at any time, the Castellano family has never restricted their right to see the child and, moreover, one thing I say, a lot: Alex Velea met Maya . (…)

We remain with some statements that Antonia made from time to time saying that he is missing a child – something that I can really believe, that he is missing a child. Why would they miss Maya? Because there is blood in his blood … Certainly every one of us and now let's say a general thing: we are the sum of the facts, the mistakes and the good things we do in our lives

Si she had no ambition with lawyers in Romania, with lawyers in Italy, with a lot of work, who would not have had importance over time, there is there someone to see: why did a divorce take place in the newspapers? (…). It is very clear that Antonia left Vincenzo for Alex Velea! Nobody judges (…). But Antonia believes that he was innocently advised at one point, and he did not think that the paper of Italy could come in seven years. […]

But surely Antonia someday, much more mature now, much more experienced can sit with the Castellano family and can say, Ok, what to do to solve it? Until then, any insinuation among the words only ignites the biggest fire (…) ", said Cristi Brancu.

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