CTP, about Simone Halep's game: "Planted on the grass like an ice horse"


Halep was defeated by 6-3, 4-6, 5-7 and was not convinced in first appearance after winning Roland Garros. Cristian Tudor Popescu watched Simone's match and drew some conclusions, published on republica.ro

" In the history of tennis, the players who won at Wimbledon and Roland Garros are very rare. game on the London lawn has parameters other than the slag, and Simona did not attend, after Paris, at a grass race tournament …

Neither the 5-2 in the decisive ball nor the match on which she was at 5-4, I did not believe in her victory, she was visibly tense, did not put herself on the feet, did not feel the ground and hit more of her arms, no body [19659005] His insecurity was worse and clearer view at the crush that he had in his hand, near the paw, with more than half of the free field on the right – not changing his body position, hitting the direction of the opponent, where he received a return online …

The combination of the surface and his game Su-Wei Hs ieh was deadly, the impressive Taivanese does not really lift, all his shots are flat or cut. The ball comes down, straighter than Simona is waiting for the rest of the year, on clay or hard. The absence of a ballistic trajectory, which forces you to always go under the ball, often sent him to the net for a long line of lashes, his pennant blow.

If we add the remarkable movement of Su, (Su-Wei Hsieh is not a fake, he wins the Grand Slam doubles and world No. 1), and the luck of the lack of Simona, we have the image defeated

This is not a surprise. To be brilliant, Simo has not even been ready for Wimbledon as for Roland Garros. She did not believe in her luck on her

But the American hardcore, where I think the player no. 1 of the world will invest more ..

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