Dana Nalbaru came back from Ireland URGENTLY with her youngest children. What happened here …


Dana Nalbaru and Dragos Bucur left with the three children a short time ago in Ireland where the actor has a new film project.

However, due to health issues, Dana returned home earlier with younger children, the artist declaring on her family's blog was forced to return home earlier than planned, with Kadri and Roxana.

The problems started on the road to Ireland when the child Dana was struck by an allergy that apparently did not give up any medicine. "

" Due to the allergy and coldness of Kadri, who seemed to never pass, we decided to I'm back with my little ones, "says Dana.

Sofia, the youngest daughter the couple, did not receive the news that she should return home with her plane because of her mother's health problems.So, after intense negotiations, Sofia stayed in Ireland with his father and will return with the trailer on his arrival in Belfast, writes ciao.ro

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