Dana Rogoz celebrates the marriage of sugar


"Abramburica" ​​Dana Rogoz has a beautiful and happy family. He is 14 years old in a stable relationship with director Radu Dragomir, whom he married in the summer of 2012.

Today, the two are celebrating 6 years of marriage, and the only one in the world. birthday captured in Venice at the end of the holidays. Dana Rogoz and Radu Dragomir have a friendly boy of 4 years in Vlăduţ.


"Today we are celebrating the wedding of sugar, which means 6 years of marriage, in Venice.Vu comes to confess that:" I am not ready to be a father and I do not think I'll ever be used to it. "He knows that he will have 3 children and it will be very difficult.The Sugar Wedding embraces the sweetest member of our family," wrote the star on Instagram [19659005] (function (d, s, id) {
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