"Danchill out!" Reaction of Mayor of Alba Iulia, after the Prime Minister's blunder


Alba Iulia Mayor Mircea Hava tells Viorica Dăncilă that if she knows nothing, she will be "in the box", and when she confuses Alba Iulia and Blaj, she deserves a "big break" . Hava says that the official invitation for December 1 will be sent to the prime minister for protocols, no conviction, and will ask his colleagues to attach their GPS coordinates to find Alba Iulia, writes News.ro. The comment is caused by the latest blow of Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă, made even in a statement transmitted by the National Day of the Horn.

  Mircea Hava

Mircea Hava Photo: Facebook

" Dănchill out!] Take a break, ma'am! It's the only thought that comes to my mind after the benefits last week's hallucinatory of the prime minister.When you are good for nothing, you have at least the shadow of a common sense to stay "in the box." But she insists on delivering the blunder on the blunderbuss, bubble bubble, day after day.That does not strike the international, I can still understand that she is not a career diplomat and ultimately even diplomat, it is only a cake, at most a cake, but when the confusion between Alba Iulia and Blaj, between 1848 and 1918, is worth a break with the chaos of thought. "" Dănciloza seems to be the most recent government affection ", and" paper is the new unit of measurement for the tiny

Edil says that the "Official invitation for December 1 will be sent to the Prime Minister for protocols, no conviction, and will ask his colleagues to attach GPS coordinates to the Prime Minister to find Alba Iulia

" In the Official invitation for December 1, that we will have to send, from the protocol, not by conviction, I will ask my colleagues to attach the GPS coordinates to Alba Iulia. Do not lose Blaj. It is time to spend a pleasant vacation on the beach of Sinaia!

Finally, Hava attracts the attention of Viorica Dăncilă that Alba Iulia writes without a momentum, an error that persists in the corrected version of the release on Government website:

Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă sent to the National Anthem National Feast that the anthem "mobilized those who, on December 1, 1918, gathered on the plain of Liberty of Alba-Iulia " but in fact the event took place on the field of Horea in Alba Iulia, while the Plain of Liberty is in Blaj in connection with the time of 1848 when it was called "We want to unite ourselves with the country." The Prime Minister's message was later changed, referring to the Freedom Plain, but after that it was erased and soon republished. However, the spelling mistake of the name Alba Iulia persists.

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mircea hava

the day of the anthem

mayor alba iulia

gafe dancila

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