Daniel Niculae explained why he left Rapid. Attack …


Daniel Niculae is disappointed that Daniel Pancu continued to Rapid, despite the fact that he was right in the misunderstandings with Andrei Nicolescu and Ovidiu Burcă

"Last summer, we started the project with the Mayor of Sector 1, Mr. Dan Tudorache, Andrei Nicolescu and Ovidiu Burca We all agree that if I were not me and Pancone (not Daniel Pancu), he would probably not not launching the project and would not have created such an emulation around

We had to find a common denominator on the structure of the club: in my image and in the image of Pancone, we do not have to do it. have never agreed to be led by someone else, because in the end we are now held accountable and in the future, if I do not do it, the world will not will not know who is in the office but will know that this team is led by Daniel Pancu and I think he is aware of it too. posed Pancu to stay president and I'm in the club structure – the two of us to stay players – and Ovidiu Burca general manager. On the other hand, Andrei Nicolescu also dealt with acts, being a lawyer, "said Daniel Niculae at Digi Sport.

" There were discussions, the palm hit and started the project, long after all the teams. I knew that, on the sporting side, we knew that we were going to suffer, but I expected from a legal point of view and from the point of view of the acts that we could understand, which is not enough. 39 is not produced. By organizing the club, we have determined that when decisions are made, we will all meet and talk. After all, I think that more eyes see things better than just one pair of eyes. There were conflicting discussions, I took an attitude. There were little things that were not so small. They bothered me, it was not as transparent as I would have liked. No matter what happened to the club, I had to know, be a president. In fact, I have never been president, and Pancone was not a technical director either. We were just footballers, but that's another discussion, "said the striker.

"I pulled an alarm signal, I said that things were going to regularize, because I started to annoy me. Unfortunately, we continued at the same pace and had a second discussion. I totally agree that no matter who may be wrong in life, and even I can do it. That's why we have a table, talk and make decisions for the sake of Rapid. I pulled the second alarm signal, I only had a discussion with Nicolescu and Burca, somewhere in Giulesti. I explained that things can not continue as well. They said that it was ok, that it did not happen … It happened and, unfortunately, for me there is no third time. It means that it is bad will and that we can not work together. From here and what happened in the winter when I wanted to go. I said that I stay or stay. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. We had a good relationship, it could be very good. Two days ago, in an interview, he said it could be without Daniel Niculae. I agree, it can be without anyone. Cristiano Ronaldo from Real Madrid is back, and Messi from Barcelona will also be withdrawn … On the question of whether and without Nicolescu and Burca, we seem to have turned back affirmatively or negatively. Then we draw our own conclusions, "said Daniel Niculae.

" I also gave Pancu: if in winter he had a rather nervous reaction, I explained and I've given perfect justice, how he gives it to me now and it has been difficult for him to go further. Bearing in mind that I did not leave with any player. We brought together the current players and staff, I convinced them. I left with Daniel Pancu. Unfortunately, from the idol we have always appreciated, and from the boyfriend we had more than 15 years … for me, the friendship is over. Pancus will be an acquaintance. A difficult name in the history of Rapid, but our friendship is over. Probably also for him was a difficult decision. She took it, that 's it, we go further. If you are going to fight with someone and do you justice, but keep going in another direction, how would you see things? And I love this club, I'm 13 years old in this club and I broke my knees; I took a shower at the shop next to the shop and took a lot of bobsleaves along the career path. I will never forgive this club and the wonderful supporters of Rapid, because I am one, "concludes Daniel Niculae


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