Danone began the investigation after several mothers …


Hundreds of British parents have complained on social media that the new formula of powdered milk has infected their babies. Danone said that he was doing more tests on the formula, adding that he was treating all of these returns with "seriousness".

The company has also set up a call center line where parents who have had problems can call them.

In addition to these complaints, parents are also unhappy that the amount of milk powder has been reduced from 900 grams to 800, but the price has remained unchanged.

Mothers whose babies would have had problems with Aptamil say that the babies had stomach pains, too, the milk powder did not dissolve completely in the milk and smelled differently. "It was otherwise like milk left for a day," Rosie Menzies told BBC News.

She claims that her 11-month-old son was sick every time she was breastfeeding, and then started to refuse the milk nipples.

Aptamil changed the recipe for powdered milk for three p Aptamil Premier milk powder for infants, Aptamil powdered on milk and Aptamil powdered for milk

Other parents say that their babies were quickly adapted to the new milk powder and that they had no problem

we assure our parents that the safety and the quality of our products are our priority. We have recently launched new recipes from Aptamil, and some families have not had a very nice transition. We perform new quality and safety tests, and laboratory tests have shown that recipes are safe for consumption. We have also updated the instructions for use on Aptamil packages to recommend that parents shake the milk vigorously for 10 seconds so that the layout is complete. "

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