Deanca blade killed in Germany by a drunken Turk


A 32-year-old woman, mother of three, died in the German town of Hagen, where she was killed by a drunkard on the pedestrian crossing


A family of Barlad was struck by a tragedy in because of an unconscious driver. Their eldest daughter, Ana-Maria Elena Ciornei, had gone to Germany to earn a living. She had worked in a factory in the German city of Hagen, she was married and had three little girls. In January, he donated his brother to his brother to help him survive. Florin Ciornei, 16, has been fighting for more than 5 years with a serious illness: idiopathic medullary aplasia.

Unfortunately, the woman was killed on a pedestrian crossing in an unlit area. The driver, a Turk, was under the influence of alcohol

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The home pain is overwhelming.Although he has succeeded a stem cell transplant given by his older sister, Florin still struggles with the disease.The death of his sister, who gave him a second life, shot him and now he needs medicine to endure the terrible In January, Elena, her mother, who quit her job for five years, is the companion of her only son (she has three daughters), and she was lucky that Florin's sister, her granddaughter, was 100% compatible with her brother and thus the rescue transplant can take place. "She gave her life for the second time in practice" Cleuscha Ciornei

Cleaşa Ciornei wants to bring her back home for bury her son-in-law and her three granddaughters are in Germany. "She left the poor in another world after that she went abroad for a better piece of bread to her children. How to leave her there, among the strangers, I have to take her home! " declared The slogan of the Vaslui press

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