Delia x XXL Video Graduated


Chameleon, unconventional and with many unusual ideas, Delia surprises fans with a completely unexpected hypostasis. She loves it and especially Delia's accessories in addition to her character, in a story where Grasu XXL shared the vision and ideas of the artist

"Delia m & # 39, sent the demo from the room I was swimming in the pool, I was listening to the song in the car and it looked like a turbo! While I was swimming, I always thought about how and when I arrived at the studio in 10 minutes.I sent her back with a staircase and she told me we were filming on Saturday … It was Thursday … I filmed on Monday , Na, she is Delia and she is gorgeous! " Grasu XXL

And for Delia the inspiration came to the pool:

" The fact that I've had this instrument for a few months and I do not know where and how inspiration for that > But I was still at the pool when I wrote the lyrics L & I # 39; ea u a beneficial effect You wanted <>, and take <> " Delia

The young man who dances on the tables is none other than Vlad Drăgulin, the performer of Malone in the series "City Boys" and co-presenter, with Mihai Bendeac, in the new season of "X Factor" on Antena 1.

"To my shame, I am 27 years old and c & # 39; was my first experience with videos. – it says – and I'm glad it happened under these conditions. I like it … ", was to say Vlad

The song is composed by Delia, Grasu XXL, production Alex Cotoi, and the video is made by NGM – Bogdan Paun and Alex Muresan, production Loops This is not Delia's first collaboration with Alex Cotoi, the well-known Romanian producer who has also produced for Pitbull and received a Grammy Award, and has collaborated on songs such as "Green Emperor", "Go Me", "Girl Dad Dad", "Stay Well".

The artist frequently composes some of the best-known songs. "Who is she?", "Who's mine", "Who's who?" does that? "," Who did it? "made a great man" and many others, songs for which Delia often plays piano and flute instruments.

Grasu XXL sings as early as the age of 14, born of a family tradition field. The singer's first record is called "The Negative Person" and is a collaboration with Paco 10 Grei; both were united under the name of XXL & 10 Grei. He was released on July 10, 1999. His first solo album, "Courage", was released in July 2006 and is truly a new piece of material by sound and interpretation. In 2006, EP "Courage" (Remix) was released – a rap material released by Dj Swamp, who promoted the album "Courage" next to the mixtape

The latest discography is success " . Released on March 23, 2015, the album contains 13 songs and collaborations with Maximilian, MefX, Nane, Feli, Tranda, Zhao, Mitza, Mari, DJ Undoo, including Mr. Destin, collaboration with Guess Who and Florin Chilian ( f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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