Dependence on video games officially recognized by the World Health Organization – Health


Video game addiction seems to be a condition invented by angry parents and partners of those who still play.

But after various analyzes, the term of this disease is official because the World Health Organization has decided to include the condition in the latest edition of the Internal Classification of Diseases. Here is what you need to know about video game addiction

What is the dependence on video games and how has it become a medical condition?

Dependence on video games may be recognized by the following distinctive signs: 19659003] – poor game control (in terms of beginnings, frequency, intensity, duration, end, context)

– an increase in the priority of play to the extent that games outpace other interests and daily activities

– maintain or increase interest in games despite the appearance of negative consequences.

This condition has been criticized by countless groups, including health professionals who have described it as very subjective and general. And, of course, the potential impact differs greatly from one person to the other and from one game to the other.

The above-mentioned effects have a common basis with other similar addictive activities defined by the World Health Organization, including disorders

Disorders caused by dependent behaviors are recognized as diseases clinically significant and are associated with stress or interference with personal functions that result from repetitive repetitive behaviors other than the use of substances. addiction according to the World Health Organization

Addiction-related disorders include gambling-related disorders and video games, which may involve online behavior as well as offline behavior

Despite what may seem to be a definition of universal symptoms, the organization found that the prevalence of video game addiction is, in fact, very low. Dr. Vladimir Poznyak, a member of the World Health Organization, told CNN that millions of players around the world, even with respect to high-intensity games, would never qualify as players addicted to video game. In other words, many people who play high intensity video games do not fall into this category of addiction.

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