Devastating messages for Dragnea & Co at Massive Attack (VIDEO)


The Massive Attack one of the most important groups in the 1990s, becomes the theater of promoting anti-Dragnea and anti-Firea messages

The British Concert of British While the band was on stage in the Romanian arena, the messages on the main screen showed critical or ironic messages on the promises and plans of Liviu Dragnea and Gabriela Firea: "Dragnea: In 2019, the point of pension will reach 1265 lei "," Budget correction: the mayor allocates 10 million lei more to the national cathedral "

The Massive Attack has not missed the show of a famous slogan Victory Square protesters "The night as thieves", but no reference to the PSD's "Halep booed on the National Arena" campaign or the flight of Elena Udrea to Costa Rica.

[19459109] Massive Attack One of the most influential and influential troops u who is 30 years old, is known for his involvement in social activism, especially through the promotion critical messages to the governments and leaders of some of the countries in which he occurs

photo source: FB / Adrian Răileanu

FB / Cristian Vasile

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