Devastating news for Adrian Năstase: "Slowly melted"


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Adrian Nastase

Adrian Nastase Adrian Nastase suffered a heavy loss: his mother, Elena Năstase, aged 90, died alive

Adrian Nastase announced the death of her mother on the blog through an emotional message

"The celebration of this year's national holiday will remain etched in my memory." Today my mother is dead in my life and recently turned 90 years old. It has melted slowly in recent months. she could look at me, she was looking at me with her incredibly blue eyes, and reminded me of the commotion and the way we passed together

Maybe she was telling me how she m & # 39; In the primary classes at school he took the courtyard of St. Joseph's Cathedral, which was waiting for us to finish the hours. We meet every day in good weather Colentina, climbing in the tram 21, then in the bus that arrives at the palace or maybe I told myself he was isolated in the house, refusing to see anyone while I was in Jilava

These memories can not be shared with anyone else. Perhaps, however, when he will meet my father, 23 years ago …

I want to believe that there were still moments of joy in his sacrificial life – achievements (how much) were my sister and mine, the proximity of grandchildren Andrei, Mihnea and Anda, the fourth generation grandson.

To find your peace, my dear mother, and to protect us from above, so as you have done so far! "