DINAMO 3-3 // The Romanian gendarmerie announces the sanctions dictated by the derby »How much FCSB has received


FCSB – DINAMO 3-3 // The fans had the show at the first derby in 2018, finalized at FCSB Dinamo, 3-3. The Romanian gendarmerie announced the sanctions dictated by the incidents.

Dinamo supporters brought pyrotechnic objects to the National Arena which led to the interruption of the game for a few moments. The FCSB, as a Paris organizer, was fined 3,000 lei .

The Official Communiqué of the Romanian Gendarmerie

  • Five people who have used pyrotechnic materials have been identified so far and have drawn up the documents of the criminal investigation bodies for the offense of possession and use of pyrotechnic objects
  • The competent authorities were informed of the commission of an act of violence committed by a 36-year-old man who struck a gendarme
  • Countervailing Penalties a total of 4,000 lei and against the second person the measure was taken to prohibit access to sports competitions for a period of 6 months and 1 year
  • For non-compliance with their legal obligations in terms of control of persons to the Entrance to the stadium and the ban on access to fireworks, the organizer was fined 300 0 lei and two agents of the security company with thesum of 100 lei each, "said the Romanian gendarmerie.

See also: Memorable!


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