DINAMO // Must win the FCSB! All about the most important match of Romanian football


Article by – Remus Răureanu Sunday, 29 July, 09:00

Nick has a better team, with all the ambition and optimism of his rivals. In 5 positions there are better red-blues, the "dogs" have a superior footballer, Nistor, much more experienced than the Moruţan counterpart

The derby ambience balances the forces, makes the most weak a little too well because of the ambition and confidence that supporters and tradition convey. But if all these ingredients did not matter? If FCSB Dinamo would be played as a normal match, uninfluenced, the Steaua should win slightly.
The argument: the highest value of the lot headed by Nicolae Dică.

The FCSB coach is also more experienced than Florin Bratu, has already had a season in League One, a season where he also checked and a good run in the Europa League, where he spent the group stage . The difference between the players is even sharper. What is a post-to-side comparison between star and dynamics:

Bălgrădean and Penedo
– Both are among the best of the championship, indisputable titles. Despite his advanced age, 37 years, the Panamanian still has not shown that he would have regressed, he remains an important player in Dinamo

Back right
Romario Benzar and Corbu
– The Stelist is the national champion on this post, the rival is a mediocre player back after an injury that kept him half a year. At the age of 24, Corbu became the owner due to lack of competition. The defender of Urban Titu in 2015 will soon be competing with Delorge, a Belgian for 20 years.
Avantaj FCSB

Right Defender
Planici and Mihai Popescu
– There is a difference almost as clear as the good defender. The Serbian is among the best at FCSB, Popescu is in 2012 in the big team of Dinamo and has never been the main holder, only now become, helped by the thinning of the lot.
Avantaj FCSB

The central defender left
Momcilovici and Katsikas
– Dinamovist is not great, he is slow and still suffers from a serious knee injury, . Neither the FCSB has a pillar here, the sergeant is reprofiled from the left defender, he remains an improvisation even if they do it

Left People
Junior Morais and Sergiu Popovici
The imbalance, the Brazilian is among the best players in the championship, Sergiu is an invention of Bratu, a footballer walking in many positions, reserve in Botosani before reaching Stefan cel Mare. We still do not know what is the position of Popovici, although it is used as a defender of the left
Avantaj FCSB

Ovidiu Popescu and Hanca
– No one is fantastic , both are rather among the weaknesses of their teams. Popescu did not progress as the steles believed, Hanca is in a prolonged crisis

Central Midfielder
Qaka and Mahlangu
– Albanian advance to 4-2-3 -1, he is good in defense, especially to build the game. The "dog" South African is the same type of footballer, used in front of the defenders, but more useful with the ball in the foot than recovery

Moruţan and Nistor
Dinamo is better. Olimpiu is a young man who could become important, Dan is already very good, he is the man around which the game of red-whites
Avantaj Dinamo

Extrem right
Man and Sorescu
The Stelist scored 10 goals in the last season of the League One, also scored in Velenje, in the Europa League, he has a guarantee, although he is only 19 years old. Dinamoviste is a recent discovery of "dogs", he is 20 years old and comes from the second echelon. The goal that he gave in the first round with the Volunteers announces that he could also become good
FCSB Benefit

Left Midfielder
Florin Tanase and Salomao
– The The stellar's rank is superior, is out of shape and has been moral to the earth since he became a Becali target. Portuguese is adapted in Romania, it is technical and dangerous, although it gives no goal

Gnohere and Daniel Popa
– "Bison" wound which He kept on the bar almost all summer. Popa or Axente, no matter which one will be used in the Dinamo attack, is not exactly a top of the title, CVs do not warrant such status
FCSB Advantage

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