Director of Bacau Health House, an "evil" of 2,200 lei gross for work in front of the computer – Health


The General Manager of the County Health Insurance Fund (CJAS) Bacon, Ion Marius Savin, has an increase of 2,200 lei injured on the grounds that it puts his life in danger in front of him. computer, according to the spokesman of the institution, quoted by Mediafax.

According to data from the CJAS's Bacas site, Ion Savin has a gross salary of more than 14,000 lei, plus an injury of 2,200 lei and 1450 lei holiday vouchers [19659003] "These bonuses are over to the payroll law All employees of homes and other public institutions enjoy 15% of direct increase and 15% increase in IT activity, so we are not the only ones to have these bonuses, for example, to the computer, in the public domain, have this increase.Spores have come to rectify lost wages, because we lost in the wake with the law on wages ", has said Saturday for Med

He adds that the sums are gross, so that from an increase of 2,200 lei, for example, the recipient remains with about half of the sum.

"The amount of 2,200 lei may seem spectacular for an increase, but I repeat it's a rude one – all County Health Insurance Houses employees are enjoying these bonuses," concluded Stoica.

The prize is awarded after an annual commission of the public health department checks each office to see if there are computers, xeroxes. , printers or equipment that emit radiation, so that state employees take up to 15% extra pay because they work with potentially lethal electronic equipment

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