Discover foods that prevent the onset of baldness



Hair is a protein fiber (like nails), which means you need to add protein to your menu to develop new components and strengthen existing ones. Protein is also needed to produce keratin, a structural component of hair. That's why salmon can be a wise choice because it can contribute to women's hair health, because of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins.


Researchers have found that women who struggle with hair loss have a lower level of iron and vitamin D. Rich in iron and vitamin C, which helps absorb iron, spinach can be the ideal remedy. Spinach with cooked eggs or mushrooms, products containing vitamin D, can help slow down hair loss.

Read and Discover Foods That Make Your Hair Shine


Zinc seems to be a super nutrient when it comes to preventing and treating hair loss. The specialists studied 50 people who were struggling with hair loss and found that all those who suffered from alopecia had a lower zinc level.

In one study, researchers looked at levels of zinc and copper in 312 men and women who faced the same problem: the perversion of hair. Whatever the cause, all subjects had a lower zinc level. Fortunately, supplements and consumption of zinc-rich foods can slow hair loss in most cases, so it's a good idea to add them to your diet.


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