Discovery of researchers: What is the favorite target of ticks? – Health – Page 1


People with a blood group A are more likely to be bitten by a tick, which is the result of a study conducted in the Czech Republic.

Some of the most dangerous animals, those parasites that carry blood-feeding bacteria and spread, especially in areas rich in vegetation, can cause the terrible Lyme disease, also known as the "thousand faces disease" because that she is very hard to detect.

A study in the Czech Republic shows that blood type A has more ticks. In laboratory tests, researchers from the Masaryk University in the Czech Republic took small blood samples from groups A, B, AB and 0 on a sterile surface, then a common tick, Ixodes ricinus, was placed . Scientists monitored his movements for two minutes.

The results revealed that 36% of ticks tested were attracted to blood group A, while 15% of them were attracted to group B, according to the Economic Times. "The study demonstrates that blood grouping could be one of the determinants of dietary preferences for Ixodes ricinus ticks." The information obtained on the potential preference of ticks for certain blood groups can be used in " explained researcher Alena Zakovska of Masaryk University

To confirm this conclusion, it will be necessary to confuse these studies, scientists stressed in the Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine.

Ticks usually have a flat, oval body about the size of a sesame seed, but after they feed on blood, they can reach the size and shape of a coffee bean.Parasites are looking for hosts to hang on, and if they are not there, they often find themselves at the top of the bean. grass and wait.

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